Level 1
Hello Game Maker! Build me a Level!
Start Here!
Draw a Player
1. Start A Project
Let’s get this going! Start a project.
2. Draw A Sprite
Use Game Maker drawing tools to draw something cool.
3. Create An Object
Create an Object to hold your Sprite.
4. Make a Room
Let’s create a Room for your Objects.
5. Tabs
Let’s looks at what “Tabs” are.
6. Asset Browser
What is the Asset Browser?
Computer Science 101
Activate Physics
Draw some ground
Make some ground for your room.
Start by making a Sprite.
Create ground object
Let’s make an object for our ground, and assign it our new ground sprite.
Ground Object Settings
Turn physics on and set the density, so it doesn’t fall down with gravity.
Room Gravity
Turn physics on for the room and put some players in.
Play this Thing
Let’s see if our physics set-up worked.
Player Movement
Grab and Go
Forget all this coding right now. Just copy and paste it, and let’s go!
8. Code It From Scratch
If you’re feeling brave, let’s code all the movement from scratch! I’ll take you through it step by step
9. Code Problems
Move Right
Make the player move Right.
Move Up
Move up, or jump I suppose.
Move Down
You need this if you’re going to do a top down Zelda type game.
Anything without room Gravity.
Gravity to Zero
Turn Gravity off in the Room, and check that out.
11. Code Explained
What is the movement code doing? How does it work?
Game Level One
Sprite Block Edit
Your first Game Level! But let’s change the block a bit first.
Clean the Room
Let’s prepare the Room a bit for a nice Level Build.
Build the Maze
Learn to manipulate blocks in all sorts of ways. Now build your Maze!
Final Check, Run It
Make sure the gravity settings are all good then play this thing!
The Platformer
Platformer Gravity ON
Let’s turn gravity On and make this Level more Platformer like.
Room Reshuffle
Let’s get this room better suited for a platformer. You can just sit back and watch.
Tweak Room Gravity
Let’s teak the Gravity settings of the room physics, so the player controls feel better.
Rotate Off
Let’s finally turn the player rotating off… if you want! Also last few tweaks and we are done!
Tweak Jump Height
Tweak the Jump Height settings to get the player really feeling right.
Some Room Stuff
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